PP Updates & Alerts

Status of the Session – April 5, 2022

The final stretch, the light at the end of the tunnel, the end is in sight . . . pick your metaphor. Tuesday is the 53rd day of the Legislature’s 2022 session. Much has been accomplished; much remains.  Senators have been putting in the hours. Over the last two weeks,...

Status of the Session – Mar 21, 2022

Tuesday marks the 45th day of the Legislature’s session. That leaves 16 meeting days to complete the budget adjustments, distribute federal ARPA funds, address tax reduction proposals, and fit in as many designated priority bills as time allows. To get through the...

Status of the Session – Feb 28, 2022

Friday was the 32nd day of the Legislature’s session—just past halfway. Mornings bring three hours of floor debate, and afternoons have followed with continued often lengthy committee hearings. Both have included discussion on various tax relief measures, school...

Status of the Session – January 31, 2022

Monday is the 17th day of the Legislature’s 2022 session (inching toward the one third mark). Senators have been busy with morning floor debate and afternoon/evening committee hearings. Last week alone, 15 committees took testimony on 98 bills, 13 agency budget...

Status of the Session – January 12, 2022

The Nebraska Legislature returned on January 5 to begin its 2022 session. This will be the so-called short session, at 60 meeting days, but there is a lot on the agenda.  Adjournment is scheduled for April 20. New bill introductions began on day 1 and will continue...
Status of the Session – June 4, 2021

Status of the Session – June 4, 2021

The status of the session is, well . . . it’s over. The Legislature wrapped the 2021 regular session on May 27 (at 11:14 a.m. to be exact, but who was actually counting the seconds.) It was a remarkable session in a number of ways.  Senators (and the public) endured...